
Best Henna Brows for Asian Skin Tones

by | Jan 23, 2021 | Henna Brows | 0 comments

Best Henna Brows for Asian Skin Tones


When it comes to skin tones, Asians probably have the widest range from dark to pale, and warm to cool undertones. This variety of complexions may often make beauty procedures become a bit complex especially when it comes to henna brows. However, with the right product, any Asian can enjoy the glamour of having semi-permanent brows.

Although India is one of the countries where henna started to become prominent, other Asian countries still struggle to accept the new beauty trend in the form of henna brows. Countries like Japan, Korea, and China are very cautious when it comes to making up products that last longer than usual.

However, one of the main reasons why Asians have second thoughts on henna brows is the complexity of complementing the right eyebrow henna color to their skin and other facial features. Most henna brow products in the market mostly only cater to the common skin tones of a bigger population of consumers ignoring other existing skin types.

If you’re an Asian or you know one who still struggles to find the right henna brow color, keep reading this article to find which color and henna brow product work best with an Asian skin tone.


The Different Asian Skin Tones


The Different Asian Skin Tones

One way of getting to know the best color formula for an Asian skin tone in regard to henna brows is to determine what exactly your type of skin tone is. Asia has diverse skin colors affected mainly by climate. To understand your skin category better, below shows the classifications of Asians and their general skin color features:

  • Southeast Asia. This group is composed of Singapore, The Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Take note that despite being in one category, this group of countries has wide ranges of skin color from tan to dark brown. People in this group are rich in melanin factored by the weather. Some of the mentioned countries are fair with yellow undertones such as Indonesia and Malaysia. Brown or tan skin tone is more commonly called “Moreno” for the male and “Morena” for the female in the Philippines.
  • West Asia. Mainly composed of 21 countries, the skin color ranges from dark brown to fair. Yemen, UAE, Israel, and Afghanistan are some of the countries belonging to this section. Some of them may have pinkish-white or light brown skin colors.
  • East and North Asia. People from China, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, and Taiwan often have a light skin tone. They also have peach undertones with minimal blemishes. Light brown skin is also common and in some instances, tan and dark brown can also be seen in a few groups of people.
  • South Asia. Skin color from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and the Maldives to name a few, have light to dark brown. Golden undertones can be noticed in some instances especially on Indians who have a skin tone of yellowish-brown.
  • Central Asia. Light brown to brown skin is common in countries of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan however, has white-pinkish to dark skin color in some parts of it.

The abovementioned skin tones are affected by region, climate, and even genes. Although the ones listed above are general representations, there are other more special skin tones that exist in the Asian race. Hence why some henna brow products fail to penetrate the existing needs of these people who have varying skin colors.

But don’t worry! Although determining the suitable henna brow color for your Asian skin sounds a bit intimidating, it will no longer be the case as long as you carefully determine each of your overall features. Furthermore, there is now one ultimate brand that recognizes the limitations of henna brows: Angel Eyes.


Factors That Affect Henna Brow Options for Asian Skin Tones

Factors That Affect Henna Brow Options for Asian Skin Tones

Skin color is not the only determining factor in coming up with the right henna brow solution. In fact, it is just the first thing to know before you can experience getting flattering eyebrows! The rest includes hair color, eyebrow color, and let’s not forget the most important one, the client’s preference.

Hair color Hair color is ever-changing. Natural Asian hair colors include black, brown, and light brown. Since hair dyes have become popular, hair colors are now in a wider spectrum. If your hair color is dark, the general rule is to have about 1-2 shades lighter eyebrows to avoid the unnatural look.

For lighter hair colors, going 1-2 shades darker is more ideal. For redheads, blonde eyebrows will work.

Eyebrow color Knowing your eyebrow’s color is key to knowing what your henna brow color should be. It is highly recommended to use the exact same color or a color that matches your eyebrow hair color. This will promote a natural look and won’t look harsh and bold during the day.
Client preference Different people have different eyebrow preferences. Even though there are a few general rules in the beauty industry, the client has the final say when it comes to their eyebrows. Sublime Eyes Salon knows about this and its team of professionals is the most suited when it comes to granting you your dream set of henna brows.


Considerations in Choosing the Right Henna Brow Color


Considerations in Choosing the Right Henna Brow Color

Now for the most important question, any Asian would ask, “What’s the right henna brow color for me?” To determine the answer, you only have to know your skin tone if whether you’re light, fair, tanned, or darker in color. Then, other facial features have to be factored in before you ultimately arrive at a decision.

Never forget as well that skin tones also include undertones. If someone says “Asian skin tone” people automatically assume that their undertones are warm. This is not the case, however, since there are cool, olive, and golden undertones as well. These may also affect your henna brow color of choice.

To identify your undertone, the veins on your wrist will help you. Purple or blue veins mean cool undertone, green is for warm undertone. If veins appear colorless, then you have a neutral undertone.

If all these certain factors are combined, choosing the right henna brow color won’t be that hard anymore. Visiting salons such as Sublime Eyes is much advised so its team of professionals can correctly determine the right ranges of colors for your desired henna brows.


Rules in Choosing the Best Henna Brow Color

Now, determining the available color options before you get your henna brow treatment is no longer complicated. Various Asian skin types mean different complementing henna brow colors.  There are more clues below which will help you find out the best eyebrow color for you.

For brown or black hair, 1-2 shades lighter is perfect. Soft brown looks natural on the face for this type of henna brow color. If your eyebrows are naturally dark and bold, take note that your best choice is going lighter. This keeps you from getting your eyebrows to look too intimidating or too harsh especially when sunlight hits your face.

Meanwhile, for light brown or blond, eyebrow color must be 1-2 shades darker. Taupe looks excellent for blondes. Experimenting with different colors is also a great idea since there are other types of blonde hairs.


The Quintessential Henna Brows for All Asian Skin Tones

For a marvelous set of henna brows for your Asian skin tone, there is nothing better than Angel Eyes Henna Brow Kit! Its henna colors are carefully engineered to suit every client’s needs. There will be no more Asians left wondering how to get the perfect henna brow colors!

Angel Eyes have Dark Brown Brow Kit, Carmel Brow Kit, Natural Black Brow Kit, Medium Brown Brow Kit, and Sienna Brown Henna Brow Kit! These henna brows can widely be used by anyone no matter the skin tone!


The Quintessential Henna Brows for All Asian Skin Tones


If you have not found the right color from these original henna brow kits, don’t be afraid to experiment. You can combine two products to form a paste that produces your more desired henna brow color. Also, if you’re unsure of how to do the process, you can visit Sublime Salon where its team of professionals will do everything for you. They can also give you expert advice on anything about eyebrows.

Inquiries can also be answered through our live chat. Don’t be afraid to ask questions regarding our products! We only want the best for your eyebrow makeover and we are more than willing to guide you along the way of achieving the long-lasting, rich-in-color henna brows.

With Angel Eyes, you have the assurance that you get all that you paid for. Not only are the henna brows natural-looking and vibrant, but they’re also made of organic products safe even for pregnant women.

Angel Eyes continue to provide excellent hennaed eyebrows that were once intimidating to many. No matter what skin tone you have, Angel Eyes will look perfectly natural on your skin.

Want to have alluring eyebrows? Visit Angel Eyes right away and grab their top-notch henna brow kits today!

About the Author

<a href="" target="_self">Aileen Cho</a>

Aileen Cho

Aileen has been in the health and beauty field for 6 years. She's an author, make-up artist, a licensed esthetician in Hollywood CA. She enjoys writing and is fascinated with CrossFit and cycle classes.


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